What is it, how does it work and what return does the FindThatLead Chrome Extension bring?
Power up your browser with our Google Chrome extension that will allow you to discover and verify emails directly with a single click. While browsing the web, you can open the Extension and FindThatLead will search and verify the email addresses associated with this domain. The extension works on both Web X and LinkedIn X. Visit any profile or website. Open the extension and you will see the corporate email. Let's now see how the extension works depending on where we use it: LinkedIn:Few readersLinkedIn Prospect Finder - How to install the FindThatLead Extension
The process to install the Chrome extension is very simple. First, go to the link below, which will take you to the Chrome store. Download the extension here. Once inside the link, click on Add to Chrome and the extension will be installed in our browser. We just need to go to LinkedIn, Crunchbase or any website to find the extension icon on the right side of our screen. Now we just have to logFew readersHow can I receive emails from any website with the extension?
Did you know that you can find your lead's email address on their website? No, we're not talking about the generic help, support and information email addresses - you can get more information than you thought! To receive emails from a domain, follow these steps: Open the website you want to get emails from. Click on the FindThatLead extension. The extension will search and list the email addresses listed on the website. We will also enrich the information associated with the email. Last butFew readersHow do credits work?
One credit equals one successful email within the tool. Every time you get a successful email, one credit will be deducted from your account. This is because we apply more than 14 verification processes before delivering any results. In comparison, other competing tools simply give you a random permutation of email without any verification. Please note: we do not charge for repeat leads that you have searched for during the month.Few readersHow do I log in to the Chrome extension?
This is how you log in to our Chrome extension: Click on the FindThatLead extension within your Google extensions bar. Enter your login credentials, your Findthatlead website, and the extension will detect the login automatically. In case you have any problems setting up your account, please contact us for assistance.Few readersCan I be banned from LinkedIn if I use the extension?
The FindThatLead Chrome extension does NOT hack LinkedIn or modify your HTML. Instead, it only does task that you can do manually, in automatic mode, which saves you a lot of time! 😄 Here's how it works: When you visit someone's profile, FindThatLead reads the information that appears inside their profile (first name, last name and domain when available) to automatically fill in the fields. Then, FindThatLead uses its algorithm to find their email address, well, because that's how you'lFew readersHow do I get an email from LinkedIn?
Here are the steps to follow to find an email from a LinkedIn profile Open LinkedIn and search for the profile of the person whose email you need. Click on the FindThatLead extension and it will automatically detect and retrieve the person's email address. In case the extension does not detect the emaFew readersDo I need LinkedIn Sales Navigator to use the Chrome extension?
You do not need to have Sales Navigator to run the Chrome extension. When you visit a LinkedIn profile, go to the extension and the algorithm will find and verify the corporate email. While browsing Sales Navigator, you can also use the Extension. All correct verified emails will be sent to your Manager.Few readers